A couple of questions regarding TextBox



Howdy. I'm a bit new to C# and got a couple of quick questions that perhaps
someone can help me answer. First, is there a property that you set on a
TextBox control that will force the control to accept only numerical data
(i.e. - only numbers 0 to 9, a decimal and the negative sign)? So far, I've
had to do the validation manually on either a key down or OnValidate event.
Secondly, is there any way to preview a key stroke for a given control and
then either accept or toss the value of the key stroke depending on some
sort of pre-defined rule? So for example, if a user were to enter hit the
"a" key while in a text box, what I would like to have happen is to have the
application eat the keystroke and not have the "a" character ever show up in
the text control. Is this possible? Any assistance provided would be
greatly appreciated.



Great! Thanks for the reply.

Vijaye Raji said:
Handling the KeyDown event is the way to go.

When you find some key is invalid, set the Handled property on the
KeyPressEventArgs to true - the character will not appear on the text



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