Ernie Josefik
1. I am using a typed dataset which is being filled from
an Oracle database. If any of the columns contain a null
value I get an error when accessing the column
e.g. msgbox(MyDataset.BUILDINGS.Item(0).BUIL_STATUS)
throws an exception - Cannot get value because it is DBNull
Is there a simple way to manage null values without having
to trap for nulls everytime a column is referenced in the
dataset ?
Question 2 relates to dataset properties. When viewing a
datasets properties the window contains a hyperlink to
another Dataset Properties window in the bottom lefthand
side. This second window shows detailed for each table
and column but they are read-only. Is there a way to
programatically access and set these properties?
an Oracle database. If any of the columns contain a null
value I get an error when accessing the column
e.g. msgbox(MyDataset.BUILDINGS.Item(0).BUIL_STATUS)
throws an exception - Cannot get value because it is DBNull
Is there a simple way to manage null values without having
to trap for nulls everytime a column is referenced in the
dataset ?
Question 2 relates to dataset properties. When viewing a
datasets properties the window contains a hyperlink to
another Dataset Properties window in the bottom lefthand
side. This second window shows detailed for each table
and column but they are read-only. Is there a way to
programatically access and set these properties?