A constant update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Couchman
  • Start date Start date

Robert Couchman

Hi Guys and and Gals,

here is the next big task to undertake!

**updating a calender**

i am trying to create a userform that will contain:=

combobox heading (containing date field - can be user

==> then 6 rows and on each row:=

Textbox (to input a time)
Cobobox1 (to select a customer)
combobox2 (to select a different customer **customers who
already have a date and time booked even for a different
day must not appear on either selection**)

then if the userbox is called for future reference is
there any way that once the date selectionbox has been
selected for a date that already exists it will display
that dates information?????

for example =======

IF the combobox header is empty and a user types in a date
Records will be blank ==>
the user then inputs a time for the first appointment ==>
When the user selects combobox1 it displays a list of
customers (who have been allowed access this is shown on
cell reference (.row, 34)) who have not already been
appointed a date or time ==>
then the user selects combobox2 and it will display the
same information as combobox1 (data that has not been used
yet) ==>

when the user opens the form and selects a date from the
combobox header ==>
form displays all the times of appointments for that day
in the text boxes (these will be found next to the
customers information) ==>
then all the comboboxes should be completed with the
correct information ==>
if the user takes a customer out ==>
the customers record should delete there appointment
details and allow them to appear on a list if a
different/same combobox is selected ==>

anybody fancy helping???

if so please post a reply or get in touch via
(e-mail address removed)

thank you,

Robert Couchman
Try the built in Autofilter. this will display the records you need, then
just load them in the userform. You can set the filter criteria based on
the users input. As always, turn on the macro recorder to get the basic
code need to manipulate an Autofilter (Data => Filter => autofilter)

If you have trouble, ask specific questions.