Michael Conroy
I have two queries, one a monthly total of gallons used by location, and
another a monthly total of cost by location. So what I want is a report with
the twelve months of the year and two fields underneath each month. Yet a
crosstab allows only one field to be transposed. I can do a crosstab and get
the gallons total 1-12 and cost 1-12, but how do I put them together so that
they are on the same row and alligned under January, February, etc. like the
January February
JFK 50,000 $110,000 40,000 $85,000
LAX 60,000 $135,000 45,000 $90,000
I can guess that there is a union query in the future, but before or after
the crosstab? And if it is after, won't I get two records for each location?
Do I do another sum query on the union of the crosstabs? This seems a little
complicated so I thought I would ask the experts. Any advice would be
appreciated. Thanks
another a monthly total of cost by location. So what I want is a report with
the twelve months of the year and two fields underneath each month. Yet a
crosstab allows only one field to be transposed. I can do a crosstab and get
the gallons total 1-12 and cost 1-12, but how do I put them together so that
they are on the same row and alligned under January, February, etc. like the
January February
JFK 50,000 $110,000 40,000 $85,000
LAX 60,000 $135,000 45,000 $90,000
I can guess that there is a union query in the future, but before or after
the crosstab? And if it is after, won't I get two records for each location?
Do I do another sum query on the union of the crosstabs? This seems a little
complicated so I thought I would ask the experts. Any advice would be
appreciated. Thanks