Whilst testing a faulty floppy drive today, i had a spare working one plugged in lying flat on my pc case, which was on its side with the panel off. Anyway god knows how but the floppy drive slid off the side and straight onto my Radeon 9800 Pro, there was this nasty crackling noise and a jet of sparks shot out of the case. The pc immediately shut down, and i honestly thought i'd killed it well and truely. I gave it a second turned the psu back on and lo and behold it started straight back up. In 4 years of building pc's messing about and the rest this is the closest i've come to sending a component to the big silicon graveyard in the sky. As a reminder i know have a small black scorch mark on the graphics card where the floppy drive short circuited on it as a reminder that i'm not imortal
Chances are that any credibility that i had just went down the drain but i thought i'd give you guys a quick chuckle on the house. Either that or this was a message from the powers that be to get soemthing better i.e an x800 *innocent whistle*
Chances are that any credibility that i had just went down the drain but i thought i'd give you guys a quick chuckle on the house. Either that or this was a message from the powers that be to get soemthing better i.e an x800 *innocent whistle*