A Christmas Message to all Mesh Victims

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Jul 3, 2005
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I have just read the disturbing news that the TV shopping channel Ideal World are selling a Mesh computer !!! I fear this can mean only one thing, more Mesh computers being sold and more Mesh Victims to swell our numbers even further. Can I beg all Mesh Victims to please join me in saying a prayer on Christmas Eve for all those unfortunate fellow citizens who have ordered a Mesh computer for Christmas. Let us pray that by some miracle, there will be no systems which are delivered late, damaged, incomplete, not to specification, after being cancelled, dead on arrival or which fail to survive to see their first sunset on Christmas Day. All of we Mesh Victims know what it is like to deal with Mesh Customer Service, the frustration, exasperation, dismay, anger, despair and depression. We all know about the endless waiting on the phone listening to that ghastly music, the absolute nightmare of dealing with such an incompetent and dishonourable Customer Service operation and the sleepless nights worrying about whether we will ever have a properly working computer or obtain a refund. I fear there will be many more Mesh Victims after Christmas despite our prayers and I would urge all Mesh Victims to make a New Year’s Resolution to visit this forum and “Help a Christmas 2005 Mesh Victim”. There will be some harrowing tales of ruined Christmases and we existing Mesh Victims should render what assistance we can in this season of goodwill. Perhaps we can lend an ear to, sympathise with or counsel new victims, give advice or even render financial assistance in cases of extreme hardship. Let me say to all existing Mesh Victims, and those who will soon be joining our ranks, that you must look across that dark valley, which is the nightmare of getting your Mesh computer working or obtaining a refund, to the sunlit uplands beyond. I have reached those sunlit uplands, having obtained a refund, and the person who led me there was Ms. Paula Anderson, the Brent Trading Standards Officer responsible for trying to keep Mesh in line. So the moral of my story is to ring Trading Standards, it is best to note down the key facts, then you should ring your local Trading Standards office so they can record and instigate your complaint about Mesh. If you do not know their number, it should be here .......

Having done that you can contact Ms. Anderson direct .......
Phone: 020 8937 5555 for Brent Trading Standards Reception who will put you through to her. It is possible Brent have now joined the "Call Centre" system, but you should still be able to speak to Ms. Anderson.
(e-mail address removed) with “F.A.O. Ms. Paula Anderson Re: Mesh Computers” as the title of your message.
Letter: F.A.O. Ms. Paula Anderson Re: Mesh Computers, Brent Trading Standards, Quality House, 249 Willesden Lane, Willesden, London, NW2 5JH.

Finally, I would like to wish all fellow Mesh Victims, Forum Members and Guests .......

******* A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year *******

Best Wishes,
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Well, I must say that I am not surprised to see Mesh on the Ideal World channel. With all the bad press about them, they need an alternative revenue channel now. I didnt see the programme, but I bet the witless presenter enthused about Mesh as being a class leading company with several years experience, supplying quality products etc... Makes you sick.

Anyway, I have today been informed by Consumer Direct to take Mesh to court. I have written the usual letter and requested a response within 7 days (laugh). I have also contacted Paula Anderson to see if she would step in first, so we will see what happens there. I know thatyou had success with her before, but she didnt seem too keen when I spoke to her recently. I can also get the squeeze put on Mesh by my credit card company,but not sure how effective that will be.

It goes on and on.
Hi timmy :)
I am glad to hear that you are making progress. There are a few points which occurred to me that may help if you are not already aware of them .......
1. You do not need me to tell you how disreputable and incompetent Mesh Customer Service are, so it is a good idea to send important letters Recorded or even Registered Delivery and to tape all phone conversations with them, although you should advise them that you are doing so.
2. I can understand why Ms. Paula Anderson was not keen to act on your behalf at this time. The way Trading Standards like to handle cases is for the local Trading Standards office where you live to try and resolve the matter first. This is partly because Ms. Paula Anderson, the Mesh Home Authority Trading Standards Officer, could not possibly handle all the complaints about such a disreputable company. It was only after I had received a refund from my Credit Card Company, and Mesh Customer Service were still sending me threatening letters that she raised my case directly with Mesh. However, the fact you have already spoken to her should speed matters up later on.
3. My Credit Card Company, the Cooperative Bank were excellent. The procedure was that I had to send the bummer system back to Mesh, they resisted of course, but Day 1 is apparently the day you send it to them. The Credit Card Company then give Mesh 30 days to refund you, if they do not, then The Credit Card Company may give you a refund. However, if Mesh make a believeable case for declining a refund then the The Credit Card Company may take a further 45 days to investigate matters before deciding whether to refund you. The Cooperative Bank refunded me after 30 days, partly due to their excellence and partly due to Mesh being so disreputable.
Hope this helps !!!
Remember ....... you are not alone !!! I have read the nightmare stories of over two hundred Mesh Victims and I am sure that is only the tip of a very large iceberg.
Do keep us all posted.
Thanks for that. I must say though that I am not comfortable sending my PC back without any sign of a refund. I wil see how long my present course takes to bear fruit. If no good I will take your advice and do it that way.
<< I must say though that I am not comfortable sending my PC back without any sign of a refund >>

I know exactly how you feel ....... and Mesh know exactly how their victims feel about doing this and they use it to their advantage. However, I think your Credit Card Company will say to you that the system has to be sent to Mesh to start the clock ticking on the 30 days. I was told to just ignore Mesh threats of refusing to accept it, as long as I had evidence I had sent the system to Mesh, that was enough for my excellent Credit Card Company, The Cooperative Bank. In my case, Mesh after over 12 years trading as a PLC (Public Limited Company), delisted on 8th April 2005 (according to Companies House website), which is not the sort of news you wish to hear about a company that owes you over £1200 pounds. Uppermost in my mind was "What happens if I send the system back and they go out of business before I receive my refund ?" The answer apparently is that you "should" still be refunded by the Credit Card Company, but "should" and "will" can turn out very differently.

The advantage of The County Court action is you keep the system until at least the date of the hearing. However, I have issued Small Claims Procedure action on a dozen or so occasions and it is a lenghty, time consuming process. Of course Mesh know this aswell and also use this to their advantage.

It is an unfair contest between an extremely disreputable firm which is well versed in the prevailing legislation and very experienced at blatently ripping of its customers who have genuine cause for complaint and victims like you and myself who still have to earn a living while fighting them for justice. This is where Trading Standards come in and while I understand Ms. Anderson was reluctant to act for you when you rang her, I think the quickest, easiest, cheapest and safest way to get justice is to reach a situation where Ms. Anderson raises your case on one of her visits to Mesh to discuss their misconduct.

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Interesting to hear they are delisted. It doesnt necessarily mean they could go under, but it doesnt look good does it. Obviously their shares didnt warant them being a PLC.
An interesting turn has occurred today though, as a rsult of me browsing another forum, I posted a note to Davey Whyte at Mesh informing him of my intentions. I then emailed him to elaborate. He came back to me within minutes, I couldnt believe it. I have told him that if he cant get my refund, then the legal proceedings will not be stopped, but he has promised to put an action plan in place to resolve the issue and come back to me this PM, so I will look forward to that.
That's good news Timmy! - It really grates on me the way some people are treated by these "insert cheesy customer slogan here" companies.

If only people knew exactly what their rights were on cases like this.

Will be keeping an eye on this to see what the outcome is.

Good luck you two!
Hi Canes. One way or the other, it will be resolved. My case is strong and as I have driven to London from the west country before to confront Mesh to get any action, I will do it again if I have to.
If only more 'disgruntled' consumers would put their foot down more often maybe things would be so much out of hand in ye olde "customer service" departments of companies. I personally won't stand for any "please choose a profanity", or being fobbed off by naff customer services etc etc.

As long as you know you're in the right the law (should!) be on your side! - Fingers crossed for you bud!

Good on you timmy!
<< as a result of me browsing another forum, I posted a note to Davey Whyte at Mesh informing him of my intentions >>

This *might* be very good news indeed !!! I did wonder about suggesting it. "another forum" is quite popular and Davey Whyte is very active trying to counter critical postings about Mesh. He does certainly help *some* people get refunds, but I think it is primarily a cosmetic exercise by Mesh which does nothing at all for the vast majority of Mesh Victims who do not visit "another forum". You may consider at some stage posting your "Problem with Mesh" on "another forum", but if you do I would suggest you keep in toned down because "another forum" is not tolerant of the truth about Mesh and you might be gagged by the "another forum" editor like I was on my first day there !!!
Btw ....... "another forum" is sometimes heavily adorned by Mesh adverts, but I'll say no more :)
Good Luck with Davey Whyte,
I agree, believe it or not the forum editor on the PC Advisor site stopped a thread concerning what he called wild accusations about Mesh and their business practices. He obviously doesnt own one.
I think I know the forum you mean and their ADVISORs are not very PC . One poor bloke was only trying to say that he thought Mesh were disreputable and had dubious business practices and he was cut. I was so incensed that I had to reply by email to the forum editor and remind him that there are too many bad news stories about this one company to simply say that mistakes do happen.
MeshVictim said:
Well here is one Mesh Victim who had his Christmas spoiled. It is certainly not a very harrowing story, but it is similar to quite a few others I have read from Mesh Victims.


I hope it is acceptable to include a link to another computing forum, please advise if not.
Oh we don't mind as long as it is not in anyway form shape size of an advert ... I personally would not give you tuppence for that Mag. ;)

Muckshifter. It seems that too many of these review mags are not worth a look anymore. Mesh quite often receive 5 gold stars or Best Buy or such. All based on bang for the buck, which admittedly Mesh seem to provide, but it means nothing to those of us who actually bought one and have to live with it. Mesh do not sell in the High St because no distributor would touch them with a barge pole, in my opinion.
My two pence worth about PCAdvisor.

Now i'm not really one to go bad mouthing parts associated with PCA - i used (note, used!) to be a very regualr attendee of their forum but the forum regulators are too strict about what can and cannot be posted.

From personal experience as a Super Moderator at another forum for a good few years, to goto the PCA forum was a real shock to me. It seems every single post gets the going over with a fine tooth comb and the mere suggestion of slander gets you an email off the moderators.

I'm sorry but if i want to complain, why can't i! - PCA are always going on about "know your rights" etc etc - pot and kettle anyone?

I did actually voice my opinions to the Editor of PCA about the way the forum is run...shock horror i've had no reply.

And yes Mesh are quite highly recommended in PCA! - come to think of it most PC's are...hmmmmmmmm...

Just had to get that off my chest.
Canes. Forums are all about getting things of your chest, so why shouldnt you do so. Before the internet, people relied on friends and colleagues to help make informed choices. Now you can look to many people to help you in this way. It is possible that people are most likely to post a message if they they have had particularly bad service, thats true, but then that applies to all forums so if a product or company seems to have more than its fair share you would be wise to take note.
Well I never. Davey at Mesh has come up trumps it seems. He even sympathised with me and my patience over the last 18 months. I have received an email from him offering a refund or replacement. Looks good so far, but I am not counting my chickens yet.
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