You have the right to remain silent. Should you choose to give up that
right, you could expose yourself as a complete dumbass, in which case
anything you say can and will be used to flame you to a crisp.
You have the right to speak with a professional. Should you not be
able to find a professional, one will be appointed for you...and he
will probably flame you to a crisp himself.
Do you understand these rights that have been provided for you? Good.
Now read before you post and don't be a dumbass.
right, you could expose yourself as a complete dumbass, in which case
anything you say can and will be used to flame you to a crisp.
You have the right to speak with a professional. Should you not be
able to find a professional, one will be appointed for you...and he
will probably flame you to a crisp himself.
Do you understand these rights that have been provided for you? Good.
Now read before you post and don't be a dumbass.