A blank window pops up everytime I try to IE

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Can anyone tell me why a blank browser window pops up everytime I try to
close IE6? It happens everytime. Some times when this happens, I can manually
close the blank window, but most of the time, the blank window freezes up and
cannot be close in any way. I then have to use the task manager to close the
blank window, but then every IE browser closes. I have to go through the
process of restarting IE and will have lost the page and site I was on prior
to the problem. Any help out there. Oh, BTW, I have uninstalled and
re-installed IE6 numerous times with no avail.
If the problem's being caused by hijackware (very likely), reinstalling IE
won't help: Hijackware infects the Operating System, not the browser.

Checking for/Help with Hijackware

When all else fails, HijackThis v1.99.1
(http://aumha.org/downloads/hijackthis.zip) is the preferred tool to use.
It will help you to both identify and remove any hijackware/spyware. **Post
your log to http://aumha.net/viewforum.php?f=30,
http://forums.subratam.org/index.php?showforum=7, or other appropriate
forums for expert analysis, not here.**

If the procedures look too complex - and there is no shame in admitting this
isn't your cup of tea - take the machine to a local, reputable and
independent (i.e., not BigBoxStoreUSA) computer repair shop.
Hey PA Bear;

Thanks a lot! I downloaded and tried Hijack This! and guess what? It was a
browser hijacker that was causing my problems. I deleted the entries I didn't
recognize, rebooted my system, started and closed a few IE browser windows
and no blank windows popped up and IE did not freeze. You are a genius and I
owe you big time. Thanks again/

Fayetteville, NC
YW but you should still post your HijackThis log to an appropriate forum for
analysis, Michael! Not kidding.