Hi! I am new to the forum, and I love playing with Excel so I might be
frequent visitor here, I dont know.
I have this nifty Excel problem that I cannot solve. I need a formul
that calculates the following for a roleplaying generator:
Value A: Attribute (that decides 1 point or 3 points)
Value B: Old Skill (current value)
Value C: XP Points (that must be spent)
Value D: New Skill (desired value)
Description: In an rpg we are playing you upgrade your Old Skill b
spending XP Points. As long as the skill is lower than your Attribute
you pay 1 XP per Skill. When you go above your attribute you pay 3 X
per skillpoint.
I want a formula that allow a player to write his wanted new skilleve
(D) in a cell.
The stylesheet will look at her old skillvalue (B) to determine if th
new value is greater than her old one. If it is, it will determine ho
many points must be spent to reach the New Skill and show the result
The issue is, *that each point above her Attribute (A) is count as '3
instead of '1'*.
For example, a player have 15 Dexterity (Attribute) and 10 in Danc
(Skill). They want to spend XP to bring Dance up to 20 (Desired Value)
They spend five points to bring the skill up to 15, then 5x3=15 to brin
the skill up to 20. From 10>20 with 15 dexterity therefore costs 20 X
My greatest problem with my own formula is when the Attribute (A) i
potentially lower than their Current Skill (B), Excel starts to coun
negative points ending up in a greater cost than planned. I feel tha
my lack of mathskill limit me from finding a way that counts negativ
values as "0"
frequent visitor here, I dont know.

I have this nifty Excel problem that I cannot solve. I need a formul
that calculates the following for a roleplaying generator:
Value A: Attribute (that decides 1 point or 3 points)
Value B: Old Skill (current value)
Value C: XP Points (that must be spent)
Value D: New Skill (desired value)
Description: In an rpg we are playing you upgrade your Old Skill b
spending XP Points. As long as the skill is lower than your Attribute
you pay 1 XP per Skill. When you go above your attribute you pay 3 X
per skillpoint.
I want a formula that allow a player to write his wanted new skilleve
(D) in a cell.
The stylesheet will look at her old skillvalue (B) to determine if th
new value is greater than her old one. If it is, it will determine ho
many points must be spent to reach the New Skill and show the result
The issue is, *that each point above her Attribute (A) is count as '3
instead of '1'*.
For example, a player have 15 Dexterity (Attribute) and 10 in Danc
(Skill). They want to spend XP to bring Dance up to 20 (Desired Value)
They spend five points to bring the skill up to 15, then 5x3=15 to brin
the skill up to 20. From 10>20 with 15 dexterity therefore costs 20 X
My greatest problem with my own formula is when the Attribute (A) i
potentially lower than their Current Skill (B), Excel starts to coun
negative points ending up in a greater cost than planned. I feel tha
my lack of mathskill limit me from finding a way that counts negativ
values as "0"