The documentation looks the same as you explained.
I noticed that the documentation and examples all have 2 classes
involved - source and handler and then a program. Can't my form
contain the handler? You mentioned that I may have forgot the "void"
in the event but that is copied straight from the class. I would
really appreciate if you could look into this class (Rs232) if you
have some time. I am really getting frustrated with serial port
access in .net.
Thanks again,
Joe Thompson wrote:
I am using VC++.Net 2003 with WinForms to write a serial port
application. I downloaded the newest VC++ examples from MSDN and
found a project called Using the COM Port. In it, there is a
class called Rs232. It has three lines of code:
// These events allow the program using this class to react to
Comm Port events.
__event DataReceived(Rs232* Source, Byte DataBuffer[]);
__event TxCompleted(Rs232* Source);
__event CommEvent(Rs232* Source, EventMasks* Mask);
In the example program a timer fires every 200 ms and reads from
the port. I would rather have an event fire and tell me there is
data ready. It lloks to me like that is possible with this
class. I've included the Rs232.h file in my Form1.h file. I
don't understand this __event and __delegate stuff and am looking
for some help here. What methods do I need to write? What should
they look like? Where should I put them?
The __events you see above mean that the Rs232 class is going to
trigger events when something happens. I think you have left out a
return value on the __event but it is always 'void' anyway. In
order to have your form handle an event, you create a handler
member function in your form's class with the same signature as an
__event but without the __event keyword. You then can hook your
event handler to the event so that when the event is triggered,
your member function gets called. What you are doing is hooking
your event handler to both the event and a particular object of
the class which is generating the __event. In order to hook your
event handler, look at the documentation for the __hook keyword
and how it is used.
As an example for the DataReceived event:
1) Add a member function to your form class with the signature:
"void MyHandler(Rs232* Source, Byte DataBuffer[]);". Implement this
function to handle the event as you see fit.
2) Instanatiate the Rs232 object somewhere in your form class. We
will call the pointer "Rs232ObjectPointer".
3) When you want to handle the DataReceived event from the
instantiated Rs232 object, your code in one of your form's member
functions would be: __hook(Rs232:

4) When you no longer want to handle the event, your code would

OK, that is for this event. If the event itself is specified
through a delegate, then you have to create a delegate which
points to your event handler and use the += syntax to add your
event handler to the list of event handlers for the event (
equivalent of __hook ) and use the -= syntax to remove your event
handler from the list of event handlers for the event.
As an example, imagine that the __event signature for the
DataReceived event was actually:
__delegate void DataReceivedDelegate(Rs232* Source, Byte
DataBuffer[]); // outside the Rs232 class
__event DataReceivedDelegate * DataReceived; // inside the Rs232
Now do steps 1) and 2) above but for step 3 and 4 we now have:
3) When you want to handle the DataReceived event from the
instantiated Rs232 object, your code in one of your form's member
functions would be:
DataReceivedDelegate * drg = new
Rs232ObjectPointer -> DataReceived += drg;
4) When you no longer want to handle the event, your code would be:
Rs232ObjectPointer -> DataReceived -= drg;
I will heartily recommend that you read the MSDN documentation of
delegates and events and, if you still find things confusing and
you have the money to spend, get Richard Grimes book "Programming
with Managed Extensions for Visual C++ .NET". The latter has inside
information on nearly everything you will ever think to ask about
MC++, along with delegates and events.