I recently installed a radeon 9800 pro 128mb. I'm using a Pc Chips 848A
m/board (I know they are not the best - m/boards next on my upgrade list),
an athlon 2000xp and 512k ram.
My problem is the system is only stable when I check everything to off in
Smartgart (PCI and AGP read and write). When I click the 'retest all' it
suggests everything should be switched on (which will continuosly crash the
I've installed the latest AGP drivers for my m/board. AGP speed is set to 8x
and aperture to 128Mb. Someone suggested I run "AGPMem" which reports I have
0 AGP memory?!
Best result I've had in aquamark 3 is only 22k. Something's wrong isn't it?
TIA if you can help
m/board (I know they are not the best - m/boards next on my upgrade list),
an athlon 2000xp and 512k ram.
My problem is the system is only stable when I check everything to off in
Smartgart (PCI and AGP read and write). When I click the 'retest all' it
suggests everything should be switched on (which will continuosly crash the
I've installed the latest AGP drivers for my m/board. AGP speed is set to 8x
and aperture to 128Mb. Someone suggested I run "AGPMem" which reports I have
0 AGP memory?!
Best result I've had in aquamark 3 is only 22k. Something's wrong isn't it?
TIA if you can help