In Henrik Stavnshøj <
[email protected]> typed:
:: "KerplunKuK" <
[email protected]> skrev i en
:: meddelelse ::
:::::: I have now noticed that my monitor now flickers on one side of
:::::: the screen. Is there anyway to test it to see if the monitor is
:::::: faulty?
::::: Well, you could try another monitor.
::::: Did you try to blow the dust out?
::: Best I could. Its a TFT monitor and does not have much space for
::: dust to get in or out. Problem still persists.
:: Hehe..
:: Well, there shouldn't be much high voltage in a TFT monitor

:: That's only in CRT's.. (And that's what I have

:: Ok, then:
:: I would try to locate the clicking sound exactly: Is it from the
:: monitor, from the card, or somewhere else? That could tell where to
:: look.
:: I would also try the cable, try to reseat it, and perhaps twist it a
:: bit at both ends to see if there's a loose connection.
:: Perhaps I would even try to reseat the card on the MB, to see if it
:: was loose in its socket.
:: I would also try another monitor, and/or try the monitor on another
:: PC.
:: I still mostly suspect the monitor, but it _could_ always be
:: something else. Problems are tricky to find the source of, sometimes

:: (If you read my post from several days ago, you will see that I had
:: a card act like it was bad, because a fan was connected on its
:: powercord..)
:: Henrik
So as long as the particular cord from the power pack only connects to the
video card, it should not have a power issue? Thats the way I understand
it. i shall open up, reseat, check cables and listen for noises. Will
report again tomorrow. Thanks for your help.