Check out my post from about a month back - Red vertical lines on 9700
and X-posted to a UK group:
I thought I'd sorted mine by adding some more thermal paste but after a
it'd gone back to teh same problems I think you are experiencing... So
put it down to a heat problem and am currently using an older ATI card (a
7200 VIVO, so no danger of that getting too hot!) I bought it second hand
(well, refurbished) and the RTB warrantee has run out so the vendor isn't
interested. Because it's been refurbished though i doubt the manufacturer
(Hercules) will help either... They did, however, tell me that an Arctic
Cooling VGA cooler would fit their boards, so maybe they would take it
as faulty...
Check out my screenshots and see if that's the same thing that is
to you anyway, something dodgy must be going on with all these ATI