I also have this model and it is the standard 9800 design, and IMO very good value for money if you
dont intend to upgrade your PC to PCExpress any time soon (I dont because I see no compelling reason
to upgrade everything to meet the CPU industry's marketing expectations... plus Im finding that the
Barton chips are very compatible with older Mobos, so it makes sense to get a faster CPU
(XP2800-3000) and faster GfX card (9800 pro) that uses my current mobo, because both are dirt cheap
right now)
The standard ATI HSF isnt that good for overclocking on any 9800 pro model, but you dont really need
to overclock this card.
All I will say is that the 9800 pro can run very hot when playing games, so make sure you have good
case cooling (I found that I had to replace the stock HSF with an artic cooler, which blows the GPU
heat straight out of the case), but I would have had the same problem with any 9800 pro.