I have a friend who, like me, has a 9800 Pro ... he asked me today,
if he purchased a second monitor, could he have both monitors connected
(one over DVI and the other analog) ... and when he loaded a 3D game
have it load on one monitor while still maintaining a usable desktop on
the other monitor?
I speculated that when the 3D app was loaded, the second monitor
(assuming the app doesn't support MMD) would just go black ... still
requiring an ALT + TAB to return to desktop. But, I really don't know.
Googling didn't turn up anything. Any thoughts or first hand
if he purchased a second monitor, could he have both monitors connected
(one over DVI and the other analog) ... and when he loaded a 3D game
have it load on one monitor while still maintaining a usable desktop on
the other monitor?
I speculated that when the 3D app was loaded, the second monitor
(assuming the app doesn't support MMD) would just go black ... still
requiring an ALT + TAB to return to desktop. But, I really don't know.
Googling didn't turn up anything. Any thoughts or first hand