tooly said:
Just wondering who else has had problems with the cooling on their ATI
Radeon 9800 Pro. I sent my card back to ATI about 4 months ago and
they sent me a brand new card! However, the fan on the new card makes
loud noises on startup and I am noticing a diminished performance on my
games (locks up in UT 2K4)! Although my card is still under warranty,
I am debating just ripping out the heat sink and fan and replacing with
an aftermarket unit. The unit that seems compatible with this card is
the Artic Cooling ATI Silencer Rev 2. Comments? Suggestions? Or,
maybe the funds would be better spent on a new AGP card?
Is this cooling issue a problem with ALL ATI products, or just the
Radeon series?
Hmmm...since this about 9800 pro...
I haven't had any cooling problems of note.
But I am wrestling with another problem must now. Just put in a new
gigabyte xp 64 motherboard but now system can't 'see' the ATI 9800 pro's
hardware acceleration nor video ram [128 mbytes]??
It still drives my monitor, but horrible performance. Downloaded drivers
of course from ATI...but to no avail. Old drivers which I used on old
motherboard were dated 2004...
ATI site offers what is called 'catalyst'...their lingo for some sort of
package that installs it all. Oh...but you guys would know that being
that this is an ATI newgroup

. I've installed, uninstalled, and done it
over again several times now...using any and all drivers I can find [even
mistakeningly used some old hydravision stuff...maybe that screwed things
The 9800 pro worked fine with old motherboard under same windows xp
software. Could it be my AGP bus on the new board? How might I check
this out [no AGP buses mentioned in hardware devices??]...just IDE and
ATA...and the video adapter]. BIOS only offers initializing with PCI or
AGP...nothing else [though lots of overclocking ditties in this bios, but
have left everything default].
Holy Cow!!!
For idiots like myself, here was my problem.
Info/advice for changing out motherboards under XP suggest rolling back IDE
bus to 'Standard' generic microsoft. Also to roll back graphics driver to
'STandard VGA' (essentially uninstalling your top notch 3D card).
Why? All to prevent, as much as is possible, the damned 'Repair Install'
complications that Mr. Gates has you contort to prove to MS you're not
stealing something.
Well, shit 'standard VGA' was offered in my graphics card
driver options. That's how these things work for me...NEVER.
So, I went into 'MSCONFIG', and found 'basic video' option, which I
naturally assumed might be what all the tech yokels were talking about,
since XP didn't offer me a 'standard generic VGA' option in 'update driver'
So, I punched this option in my boot opt to 'basic
video'....whatever that meant of course, assuming of course, it meant
bypassing my sophisticated 9800 pro 3D intervervious extranuations.
That was decades ago...and of course, I installed the new Mother (board),
and came out all decroded of essential operability...spending all last
night, and half of today trying to decrypt. I was sure my MB was slopped
up...and good ole' send back required. I hate when that happens.
But, like per usual, just my brain malfunctioning; can't remember it's way
out of wet paper sack. Yep...still had the durned 'basic video'
punched...and of course, all my fancy hardware graphics were being hijacked
into cyberspace for nothing.
So, beware fellow idiots. Don't punch out the 'basic video' option in
MSconfig and hope to win out. Mr. Gates already has us by the gonaddys'.
And I apologize to the original poster for doping this thread
with...well...this, not of the first intent.