I had a couple crashes in CoD and upgrading to the Cat 4.1 drivers seems to
have taken care of it.
I'm mentioning this so my post won't be completely off topic
What I really want to know is, how do I run a timedemo in CoD?
I've read how to do it on some forums, but they leave something out (taking
for granted that I should already know it, no doubt).
Here's what I think I know:
You have to be in mult-player.
get into the console and type "timedemo 1"
then type in "demo (mapname)" without the dm extension.
So, I try 'demo depot' or 'demo mp_depot', but I get an error that it can't
save to "demos....". I assume looking for a folder named 'demos'. I've tried
other maps as well with no success.
What should I use for (mapname)?
(at least I did figure out how to display the FPS)
have taken care of it.
I'm mentioning this so my post won't be completely off topic

What I really want to know is, how do I run a timedemo in CoD?
I've read how to do it on some forums, but they leave something out (taking
for granted that I should already know it, no doubt).
Here's what I think I know:
You have to be in mult-player.
get into the console and type "timedemo 1"
then type in "demo (mapname)" without the dm extension.
So, I try 'demo depot' or 'demo mp_depot', but I get an error that it can't
save to "demos....". I assume looking for a folder named 'demos'. I've tried
other maps as well with no success.
What should I use for (mapname)?
(at least I did figure out how to display the FPS)