What is the main difference between windows 98 and XP?
Shoua said:What is the main difference between windows 98 and XP?
Carey said:Windows 98 is a 16-bit operating system based on the old MS-DOS platform.
Bruce said:Win9x is a badly kludged together hybrid 16-bit/32-bit operating system
with a graphical user interface (GUI) shell crudely mounted upon MS-DOS.
WinXP is a full 32-bit operating system with a pure GUI shell.
Alex said:See my response to Carey. And the descriptions in Andrew Schulmanns
'Unauthorised Windows 95'. To describe it as a GUI crudely mounted on
MSDOS is a travesty. That was Windows 3.x
Bruce Chambers said:Well, Win98's adaptation was certainly much less crude than Win3x's,
but it still wasn't a pure 32-bit, graphical OS.