glitches ? you must be refering to your Nvidia ? You have an Nvidia right ?
the only glitch i see is that this 9800pro (128m) runs everything smoothly and the text is
crystal clear, and it doesn't crash anything - anytime. My game play can last far more
many hours than I can play games now. Oh, the glitch ? not having to be learning about how
to fix all the stinking problems and Not having to learn about patches and the
interworkings of Windows Xp - because the card runs so smoothly and my PC don't crash no
more. I bought this PC to play games and learn about computers.
Now all i have to do with my learning time is play games. Maybe I will have to go back to
Nvidia to "get back into my PC" and learn about how to prevent so many stinking Nvidia
crashes and lockups. anyway, too many glitches for my liking, I'm just making an accurate
observation about ATI.
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: On Wed, 06 Aug 2003 16:23:58 GMT, "Tim Miser"
: >It's no scam, it's just when you come out with a new line of video cards or
: >clothes or cars or refrigerators or TV's or.....
: >
: >you naturally stop making the old model. That is the whole reason why
: >ATI/Nvidia release mid range and low range products and besides, the R9800
: >pro is less than the 9700 pro was when the 9700pro was released.
: >
: >-Tim
: No, it's not a different line. 9800pro is a 9700pro with a higher
: clock and bit higher spec memory. Apart from that they are the exact
: same product. Nvidia made 4200 4400 and 4600, they didn't stop making
: the 4200 and 4400 because they made the 4600. It is a a scam to make
: people buy the 9800pro so don't BS me shill. I don't want the card
: anyway, too many glitches fo my liking, I'm just making an accurate
: observation about ATI.
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