9700 Pro Vs. 9800 nonPro

  • Thread starter Thread starter hawks5999
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I'm looking at either purchasing a 9700 Pro for $292 or a 9800 nonPro
for $279. They are both Sapphire OEM's. Can anybody tell me which is
more bang for the buck?

My question is whether the 9800non-pro can be flashed to a pro? Anyone

Roger Squires said:
My question is whether the 9800non-pro can be flashed to a pro? Anyone


OK I got the 9800 non-pro. The defalt clocks are a little low. 325
for the core and 290 for mem. But you can clock up the core and mem
to the pro levels. I'm using powerstip to get the speeds up, it loads
with windows to the levels you selected. Right now my core is 350 and
mem is 340, 100% stable with no visuial artifacts in 3dmark03. Now
the question on what to get 9700pro or the 9800 non-pro. I got the
9800 non-pro for the simple fact it is faster and has newer
optimizations on the chip. I hope this helps.
Yes, there are many reported cases of people flashing NPs to Pros. Check
out www.rage3d.com/boards There are a few threads right now involving this

Roger Squires said:
My question is whether the 9800non-pro can be flashed to a pro? Anyone


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hawks5999 said:
I'm looking at either purchasing a 9700 Pro for $292 or a 9800 nonPro
for $279. They are both Sapphire OEM's. Can anybody tell me which is
more bang for the buck?


Go for the Sapphire 9800 non-Pro. If it's anything to go by with what
Sapphire did with the 9700's
you shall just need a BIOS upgraded to the Pro BIOS to make it a Pro.

Been a bit of talk about this a while ago, IMHO it was to keep costs low
during manufacturing.
Hopefully they are still doing it, havn't looked at the 9800's yet, still
happy with this 9700 *8)
Thanks Min, this is what I'll do.

Minotaur said:
Go for the Sapphire 9800 non-Pro. If it's anything to go by with what
Sapphire did with the 9700's
you shall just need a BIOS upgraded to the Pro BIOS to make it a Pro.

Been a bit of talk about this a while ago, IMHO it was to keep costs low
during manufacturing.
Hopefully they are still doing it, havn't looked at the 9800's yet, still
happy with this 9700 *8)
How quiet is your 9800 non-pro? Salesperson at ATI told me today that non-pro versions do not support extending desktop onto a second monitor. Is that true?

Seattle said:
My question is whether the 9800non-pro can be flashed to a pro? Anyone


OK I got the 9800 non-pro. The defalt clocks are a little low. 325
for the core and 290 for mem. But you can clock up the core and mem
to the pro levels. I'm using powerstip to get the speeds up, it loads
with windows to the levels you selected. Right now my core is 350 and
mem is 340, 100% stable with no visuial artifacts in 3dmark03. Now
the question on what to get 9700pro or the 9800 non-pro. I got the
9800 non-pro for the simple fact it is faster and has newer
optimizations on the chip. I hope this helps.
How quiet is your 9800 non-pro? Salesperson at ATI told me today that non-pro versions do not support extending desktop onto a second monitor. Is that true?


Second try. First one used email address that is no longer valid.
Seattle said:
My question is whether the 9800non-pro can be flashed to a pro? Anyone


OK I got the 9800 non-pro. The defalt clocks are a little low. 325
for the core and 290 for mem. But you can clock up the core and mem
to the pro levels. I'm using powerstip to get the speeds up, it loads
with windows to the levels you selected. Right now my core is 350 and
mem is 340, 100% stable with no visuial artifacts in 3dmark03. Now
the question on what to get 9700pro or the 9800 non-pro. I got the
9800 non-pro for the simple fact it is faster and has newer
optimizations on the chip. I hope this helps.