Wayne Youngman
"Glenns Spam" wrote
yes it will work! There is no setting for 0.8v in the BIOS, and somehow a
AGP 8x card will take 0.8v from the 1.5v setting. It was explained to me
some months ago when I was asking the same thing
I just bought a wicked HIS 9600XT platinum and have it in an old KT266A
chipset mobo. I would love to upgrade to an nforce2 ultra mobo, but I'm a
little confused about 8x AGP. I thought that the enable 8x the AGP voltage
should be 0.8v, however, the soltek mobo I'm looking at only has >1.5v
although it claims to supprt 8x AGP. Can I get 8x with this board or not?
yes it will work! There is no setting for 0.8v in the BIOS, and somehow a
AGP 8x card will take 0.8v from the 1.5v setting. It was explained to me
some months ago when I was asking the same thing