i'm back!
andddd it worked for me, well for now,
i was running full bots of battlefield which is like.. 59 and me

and tryed to get the smallest map possible to squeesh us all together
and i ran out in the middle of it all and it handled suprizing well.
before it would also work with high stress areas and then just not
work some other times i'll let u no if it fails again;
BUT i have an ATI 9600xt not an Asus and just so u no i'm running XP
soooo for me
3.9 worked well lol alot better than 3.1
oo but does any1 no if OpenGL works better than Direct3D for
battlefield 1942 i'm using direct3d and its workin preaty good for me
but i dn't really no whats best also whats with Desktop color vs Full
Screen 3D under the lil Color tab on ATI's property thing, i got it as
desktop color but who nos maybe i'm wrong
anywayz gl fixing ur problems i'll let u no if it fails again