Nobody's Hero
This is what I'm hoping to buy. My research has shown that this will be the
best bang for the buck without going overboard on 400.00 cards. Currently I
use the GeoForce 2 MX400 that came stock with my DELL 8200 back in 2002.
Also have 768mb RD memory, P4 2 gig machine. I mostly play Counterstrike on
public servers, where I can sometimes own and sometimes suck, depends on the
team. Will a newer faster card help me?
best bang for the buck without going overboard on 400.00 cards. Currently I
use the GeoForce 2 MX400 that came stock with my DELL 8200 back in 2002.
Also have 768mb RD memory, P4 2 gig machine. I mostly play Counterstrike on
public servers, where I can sometimes own and sometimes suck, depends on the
team. Will a newer faster card help me?