Anyone using this ATI 9200se DVI out for their HDTV ? I wonder what to
expect from this aged video card ? I do not gaming so 2D with hi
resolution is what really I needed.
With good DVI-HDMI cable, can this card offers me
1) 1080P - 1920x1080
2) 720P
btw, lets if max out is 1600x1280, should this hurt the 1080p Plasma
TV while black boarder presents ?
Any lights please....Cheers
expect from this aged video card ? I do not gaming so 2D with hi
resolution is what really I needed.
With good DVI-HDMI cable, can this card offers me
1) 1080P - 1920x1080
2) 720P
btw, lets if max out is 1600x1280, should this hurt the 1080p Plasma
TV while black boarder presents ?
Any lights please....Cheers