Often as not, it is a function of the "stretch to fit" that allows all
resolutions to fill an abnormally sized screen. On LCDs this function is
used because they only actually have one resolution, so any other is wrong
and must be stretched to fit. Either change the resolution of the game to
the native ( i.e. highest stated actual ) resolution of the LCD, or turn off
the stretching... I usually run my games at native resolution anyway, but
alternatively you can run a game at an even divisor of the actual resolution
( ex. if the LCD resolution is 1600 by 1200 and it is possible to chose 800
by 600 in the game - my laptop is 1280 by 800 WXGA so if I ran a game at 640
by 400 there would be no stretching - coincidentally, it uses the 9200 as
well... ).