I've got an application where I enter ordernumbers through a barcodereader.
I would like to have the application save 9 digits to the accessdatabase no
matter how few digits is entered.
For instance if I enter: 12345678 I would like to "pad" a 0 on the lefthand
side making sure 9 digits is saved.
Is it possible and do I need to do something with the accessdatabase? (The
field I use in the database is of "number"-type)'
I would like to have the application save 9 digits to the accessdatabase no
matter how few digits is entered.
For instance if I enter: 12345678 I would like to "pad" a 0 on the lefthand
side making sure 9 digits is saved.
Is it possible and do I need to do something with the accessdatabase? (The
field I use in the database is of "number"-type)'