9-11 und Pentagon-Crashdown (Pictures)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Haller
  • Start date Start date
On that special day, Robert Haller, ([email protected]) said...
http:// www. spaceimaging. com/ gallery / 9-11/ default.htm#

Here you can see original pictures with a free download.

What's that?

a href="#" onClick="window.open('wtc_1.htm','newWindow','menubar=no,
toolbar=yes, directories=no, scrollbars=yes, alwaysRaised=true,
resizable=yes,width=520,height=400');" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"
name="Image14" border="0" src="1a.jpg" width="65" height="65"></a

There are lots of Carterra references, too...

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
On that special day, Robert Haller, ([email protected]) said...

What's that?

a href="#" onClick="window.open('wtc_1.htm','newWindow','menubar=no,
toolbar=yes, directories=no, scrollbars=yes, alwaysRaised=true,
resizable=yes,width=520,height=400');" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"
name="Image14" border="0" src="1a.jpg" width="65" height="65"></a

There are lots of Carterra references, too...

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)

I understand you. This was new for me too!

Use this way, please:

1st: http://www.erdsicht.de/


look for :

"Besondere Ereignisse" - "Anschlag auf das World-Trade-Center