I bought Canon 8800F. Slides are in bad condition but software some how
repaired it. Even my wife is satisfied.
Boba Vankufer
Do somebody has any experience with Canon cs8800F. I have 1000 old slides.
Will it work?
Perhaps is any other scanner in this price range better.
Tank for any impute
Boba Vankufer
I have an 8800F that we use for occasional document scanning, bought
it open box so I didn't get the film holders. Nice scanner for the
price range, I'd try it on slides and if you don't like the results
then look for another scanner. For slides I have an Epson V700 which
is good, an old Minolta Scan Multi also good, and a Nikon LS200 again
a good scanner. None of these get an excellent rating, I suspect your
Canon will be in that range too.