8500 / 8500LE - whats the difference?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Asfand Yar Qazi
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So it's just clockspeed.
The memory speed is in some cases slowed down AND given less power.
Basically however the cards ARE the same, and it's JUST clockspeed that is
the difference.
It all depends on the version you're buying. eg. i bought a LE one time,
was ONLY clocked lower in the bios, the memory and core where on the
proper voltage, and could easyly clocked up to it's real speed (as described
by the manufactorers).
So the answer to the question, even by your adding remains YES. they are the
same, only clocked at lower speed.
the means they use (bios and or voltage) is irrelevant.
There's also often a physical difference in the RAM chips on the LE's. Some
LE's use slower 4ns RAM and these typically CAN'T be overclocked to non-LE

J.B. said:
J.B. said:
So it's just clockspeed.


NO it isn't! Different voltages is a separate issue from different
clockspeed. If it wasn't a separate issue then 8500LEs with the same memory
and core should overclock to 8500 level with no problems. The retail 8500
has higher voltages to memory and core and many 8500LEs can NOT be
overclocked to 8500 levels solely because of their lower voltages - which
can not be changed without soldering or other physical modification of the
cards. However, I am happy to concede that there are no differences in
terms of drivers, functions etc.

I'm just glad I veered away from ATI, during the 7500-8500 phase. Those

TMack stood up, at show-n-tell, and said:
For what its worth.. Me being a cheapskate...

I flashed my LE to the retail 8500 Bios at 275Mhz, then further in software
to close to 290Mhz.. works like a champ...

0 compatibilty problems I have encountered.. 0 complaints as well... now
they are cheap it is still better than the other budget cards out there from
Nvidia that revert to doing functions in software, or are functionally
castrated to the point of being useless going forward...

Shrivel said:
There's also often a physical difference in the RAM chips on the LE's. Some
LE's use slower 4ns RAM and these typically CAN'T be overclocked to non-LE