[Crossposted to WinUp NG, as OP cannot crosspost using the web interface.]
Joey, see...
Scan quickly reaches 100% and displays "There are no updates available"
message / log file lists error 0x800C0008 or 0x80072EE4
~PA Bear
| I reinstalled the update w/ Norton disabled and it is now
| listed in add/remove.
| html.cnv is in windows/options/cab and program
| files/common/microsoft shared/textconv and is the correct
| version
| msconv97.dll is in 3 directores. windows/options/cabs and
| prgram files/common/microsoft shared/textconv and is
| correct. HJowever te version in program foles/microsoft
| activesync is not the correct version. It's version is
| 200110900. However because it is for actie sync I do not
| know if that is a problem
| And a new problem has arrived now that didn't exsist
| before. When I hit scan in windows update it goes to 100%
| and hten that is it. It doesn't say there are files ot be
| downloaded or there are no files to be downloaded, It just
| says "Windows Update is looking for available updates...
| 100% complete"
| >
[Mow Green wrote...]
| >Joey,
| >
| >Look in Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel to see
| if 823559 is
| >listed . Next, check to see that the files of the patch
| match the ones
| >on your system :
| >
| > 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864
| Html32.cnv
| > 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288
| Msconv97.dll
| >
| >If it's listed in Add/Remove Programs and the files on
| your system match
| >the ones of the patch then it is installed but not being
| detected by
| >Windows Update. Either uninstall it from Add/Remove and
| manually
| >download a fresh copy or , you can attempt to edit the
| registry to show
| >it as installed. Incorrectly editing the registry can
| make your system
| >unusable . Suggest you first uninstall it , temporarily
| disable your
| >antivirus program, and then manually download the patch
| to your Hard
| >Drive from here:
| >
| >
| >or
| >
| FamilyID=71ec81dd-9e86-4956-94f5-
| b6e020348569&DisplayLang=en
| >
| >Now, with your antivirus program still temporarily
| disabled , install
| >it. If it still is not being detected as being installed
| by Windows
| >Update and is listed in Add/Remove Programs AND the files
| match, I'll
| >give you instructions on editing the registry. The
| important part is
| >having the patch installed ... ignoring the prompts to do
| the update
| >again is secondary, but annoying.
| >
| >Joey's wrote:
| >
| >> Windows Update told me there was a criticle update. I
| >> installed it. I went back to windows update to make sure
| >> there weren't any others. It listed the same one. SO I
| >> restarted my computer then went back to windows update.
| >> I installed it and restarted my computer. I went back to
| >> windows update and the same update is listed.
| >>
| >> OS version: Windows 98
| >> IE version: 6.02800.1106CO