I am got new Toshiba notebook with Vista Home Premium
and when I browse local provider news server i often get
800c0148 error and after that Windows Mail not work
properly. No news messages, no mail folders and the not
enought memory error there are.
I get good working program only after manualy kill WinMail
process in task manager.
WinMail 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Please help.
Thank you.
I am got new Toshiba notebook with Vista Home Premium
and when I browse local provider news server i often get
800c0148 error and after that Windows Mail not work
properly. No news messages, no mail folders and the not
enought memory error there are.
I get good working program only after manualy kill WinMail
process in task manager.
WinMail 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Please help.
Thank you.