Don Leckie
I'm encountering 8000-10000 page faults per second roughly about every 20-30
minutes. The programs with the highest page fault counts are not always the
same. My system freezes for about 2 minutes, but I can hear a lot of disk
activity. This causes time-sensitive programs to fail, e.g., Skype
I've spent weeks living with this and trying to figure out what is happening,
but to no avail. I've done a lot of research, but found nothing that will
fix this problem.
None of my system settings have odd values. I checked and re-checked all of
them several times. I use System Mechanic 8.0.3.
I've used Microsoft's Performance tool to test everything testable using it.
So far all I can find is the high page faults and sometimes long disk queues,
especially, read queues. I have tried splitting the paging file evenly on
Drive C: and Drive D:.
I'm out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions?
DELL XPS630i Intel Core2 Extreme (4 cores) CPU Q6850 @ 3.00GHz
4GB RAM (Windows only allows access to 3.25GB)
Internal Drive #1: - C: 360GB Interface: nVidia RAID SATA-II
Internal Drive #2: - 1TB (2 partitions, D: 513GB, F: 487GB Interface: nVidia
Thank you,
I'm encountering 8000-10000 page faults per second roughly about every 20-30
minutes. The programs with the highest page fault counts are not always the
same. My system freezes for about 2 minutes, but I can hear a lot of disk
activity. This causes time-sensitive programs to fail, e.g., Skype
I've spent weeks living with this and trying to figure out what is happening,
but to no avail. I've done a lot of research, but found nothing that will
fix this problem.
None of my system settings have odd values. I checked and re-checked all of
them several times. I use System Mechanic 8.0.3.
I've used Microsoft's Performance tool to test everything testable using it.
So far all I can find is the high page faults and sometimes long disk queues,
especially, read queues. I have tried splitting the paging file evenly on
Drive C: and Drive D:.
I'm out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions?
DELL XPS630i Intel Core2 Extreme (4 cores) CPU Q6850 @ 3.00GHz
4GB RAM (Windows only allows access to 3.25GB)
Internal Drive #1: - C: 360GB Interface: nVidia RAID SATA-II
Internal Drive #2: - 1TB (2 partitions, D: 513GB, F: 487GB Interface: nVidia
Thank you,