7-zip 4.08beta released (shortly after 4.0.7)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
  • Start date Start date



Changelog for 4.0.8beta
- Bug in installer for v4.07 was fixed: when rebooting
is required, it rebooted without asking user
- Small fixes in 7-Zip GUI (7zG.exe)

Changelog for 4.0.7beta
- Big amount of code was changed in this beta version.
So don't use it for important data compressing.
And test archive after compressing.

- Unified command line interface to GUI and console versions
- 7-Zip now can extract or test several archives in one command
- 7-Zip now doesn't interrupt the compressing when file is locked by
other application. 7-zip just skips that file and show warning.
Note: previous versions of 7-Zip had bug, so they can not unpack
non-solid and some solid 7z archives with such skipped files.
- Command line interface was changed:
- now it's possible to use absolute pathnames
- syntax simplification:
was: 7z a a Folder1\* Folder2\* -r
now: 7z a a Folder1 Folder2
- now it's possible to use complex wildcard commands, like
- More smart detection of archive type for files with unusual
file name extensions
- Supporting for RAR archives with encrypted headers
- CPIO format supporting was improved
- For GZip and BZip2 formats you can:
- Compress from stdin (-si switch)
- Compress to stdout (-so switch)
- Extract to stdout (-so switch)
- 7-Zip File Manager:
- Split and Combine commands
- new list view options: Full row select, Show grid lines
- Internal reconstruction
- Some bugs were fixed
- New localizations: Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil, Thai
Rod said:

Changelog for 4.0.8beta [...]
- New localizations: Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil, Thai

FINALLY! The previous lack of lang support for *not only* Friulian, but
Macedonian too, that totally drove me nuts.

Yes, it's really exciting, my mailbox exceeded it's storagelimit with
"thank-you-for-pointing-us-to-the-new-7-zip-beta"'s from all my Tamil
Actually I master about 0.9 worldlanguages (that includes 4 languages)
Rod said:
omega said:
Rod said:

Changelog for 4.0.8beta [...]
- New localizations: Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil, Thai

FINALLY! The previous lack of lang support for *not only* Friulian, but
Macedonian too, that totally drove me nuts.

Yes, it's really exciting, my mailbox exceeded it's storagelimit with
"thank-you-for-pointing-us-to-the-new-7-zip-beta"'s from all my Tamil

Actually I master about 0.9 worldlanguages (that includes 4 languages)

<warning: extended OT rambling below>

I'd probably be down to a 0.2 rating if my mother were to give me my grade.
My English grammar frequently causes her frutrated annoyance. (No matter
that I am an adult of age ~40. Like many, I still "get in trouble with Mom.")
And then other bad marks, like once in my early adulthood, when I was
visiting her at a house she'd just purchased, and I spilled green Creme
de Menthe all over her brand new white carpet. The sole part of the event
that truly gave rise to her irritation, it was in my failing to use the
correct French pronunciation when apologizing. I'd sinned fatally with my
handy hick rendition: "Cream dee mint." AH, BUT today I can finally see
victory on the horizon! An area where she'll at last be rendered helpless
to try to criticize. Soon as I follow 7zip's lead. And school up in the
tongues of Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil....
<warning: extended OT rambling below>

I'd probably be down to a 0.2 rating if my mother were to give me my
grade. My English grammar frequently causes her frutrated annoyance.
(No matter that I am an adult of age ~40. Like many, I still "get in
trouble with Mom.") And then other bad marks, like once in my early
adulthood, when I was visiting her at a house she'd just purchased,
and I spilled green Creme de Menthe all over her brand new white
carpet. The sole part of the event that truly gave rise to her
irritation, it was in my failing to use the correct French
pronunciation when apologizing. I'd sinned fatally with my handy hick
rendition: "Cream dee mint." AH, BUT today I can finally see victory
on the horizon! An area where she'll at last be rendered helpless to
try to criticize. Soon as I follow 7zip's lead. And school up in the
tongues of Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil....

Aren't we all ~40 ?
The mother-daughter/son relationship doesn't seem to change with age. At
least looking at my grandmother and my mother doesn't exactly give much
I'll bet you can't wait to see your mothers face when you tell her to add a
zip file to archive in friulian.
Rod said:
Aren't we all ~40 ?
The mother-daughter/son relationship doesn't seem to change with age. At
least looking at my grandmother and my mother doesn't exactly give much

Yep! That's been my consolation. When I start to tell myself, "What is
going on here? I'm not age nine. Why am I allowing this lecture?" I then
look around at everyone else, and am reminded how, really, it's from the
fabric of human tradition itself.
I'll bet you can't wait to see your mothers face when you tell her to add a
zip file to archive in friulian.

Perfect! Rubbing my hands in eager anticipation of hopeful victory....
omega said:
I'd sinned fatally with my
handy hick rendition: "Cream dee mint." AH, BUT today I can finally see
victory on the horizon! An area where she'll at last be rendered helpless
to try to criticize. Soon as I follow 7zip's lead. And school up in the
tongues of Friulian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tamil....

That sounds very familiar.

You could try laying a trap. One of my sisters discovered "momently" and
"casually" dropped it into a conversation. Mother automatically said
"momentarily" - which gave my sister a chance to correct *mother* - the
*only* such triumph known to man. . .

My mother spoke French like a native, several other languages too. . .
Unfortunately it's too late to sic my mom on your mom. . . ;)

Susan Bugher said:
You could try laying a trap. One of my sisters discovered "momently" and
"casually" dropped it into a conversation. Mother automatically said
"momentarily" - which gave my sister a chance to correct *mother* - the
*only* such triumph known to man. . .

I envy your sister her triumphant moment. I've never been given an
opportunity quite like that one. Closest I ever got was a mild revenge.
My mother was Southern born, and dropped her accent completely within
her first year of Univerity (Berkeley, in the 60's, Southerners were
subjected to a lot of backlash criticism, and ridicule). The exception
with the accent was just a couple of words. One of them is "sill" (as
in window sill). I've had occasion to pin her in a corner, when her
friends were around, and when she's a little vulnerable after a couple
of cocktails. "Repeat after me, Mom. Come on, say it after me: sill."
And, no matter how hard she tries, it's always impossible for her to
enunciate those several lodged words in any way but with her original
South. accent. The fact that the inability causes her so much embarrassment
makes it irresistable for me to get the dig in at the one place I can.
My mother spoke French like a native, several other languages too. . .
Unfortunately it's too late to sic my mom on your mom. . . ;)

Ah, too bad. Especially since I'm sure your mom would win. Mine lived
over in Germany for a good number of years (cumulative ~15) during her
career. While there, she took classes in German, paid for by her employer.
Yet, the reports are that throughout all those years she refused to utter
one word of German in public. (Due to fear of coming of like a klutz, and
thereby herself up to the kind of teasing/criticism that she preferred to
dole out to others.)

You can guess, this is someone who won't let me come anywhere near to
giving her computer lessons. She uses AOL, and MSN, and sends me html
emails. I believe she does that, after all my protests, strictly to
torture me. So I write her back with lots of sentence fragments, and
a heavy load of subject-verb mismatches.
omega said:
You can guess, this is someone who won't let me come anywhere near to
giving her computer lessons. She uses AOL, and MSN, and sends me html
emails. I believe she does that, after all my protests, strictly to
torture me. So I write her back with lots of sentence fragments, and
a heavy load of subject-verb mismatches.

My mum always top posts despite my complaints. I get back at her with a
liberal smattering of usenet acronyms and emoticons.
She has still not forgiven me for slowing her computer down. This was
just after my sister's husband installed Norton on it... FFS.
We're not speaking atm; this is peaceful.
jo said:
My mum always top posts despite my complaints. I get back at her with a
liberal smattering of usenet acronyms and emoticons.

She has still not forgiven me for slowing her computer down. This was
just after my sister's husband installed Norton on it... FFS.

Heh, but it's still all your fault! Reminds me how I once made the mistake
of sending an Agent CD to a relative as a gift. Later on I found out that
he proclaimed to others that it "broke" his computer. (As you know, Agent
is totally standalone, affects nothing on the system...)

Helping relatives on computers can often be a most masochistic activity.

I had to learn that lesson slowly, the hard way. I've noticed that many
already figure it out right off. When I taught beginning PC classes to
seniors, a lot of the students had spouses who knew their way around
computers. But the one would absolutely refuse to teach the other, or
at best, had quit the job after the first few lessons.
We're not speaking atm; this is peaceful.

Ah, resonance chez moi. When those periodic little "vacations" become the
-essential- prescription with those certain relatives...
Rod said:

Changelog for 4.0.8beta
- Bug in installer for v4.07 was fixed: when rebooting
is required, it rebooted without asking user
- Small fixes in 7-Zip GUI (7zG.exe)

Any idea if 7Zip can create CAB files, and even better off the Explorer
shell context menu?