To convert Outlook's 5 full days and 2 half day(Sun,Sat) calendar to 7 full
days it is necessary to click on a blank spot on the calendar and then to
click on "other sesttings" then uncheck "compress days". This will give you
a 7 full day calendar. Then, and only then, can you go to tools>options>
calendar and change the beginning of the week to Sunday, like a normal
calendar. I hope this eliminates the sufferage many have suffered because of
MS Regards Bill
days it is necessary to click on a blank spot on the calendar and then to
click on "other sesttings" then uncheck "compress days". This will give you
a 7 full day calendar. Then, and only then, can you go to tools>options>
calendar and change the beginning of the week to Sunday, like a normal
calendar. I hope this eliminates the sufferage many have suffered because of
MS Regards Bill