Home Theatre Guy
One that does not stick out the top of the card, and is effective and
quiet even at 5 or 7 volts.
Desperate i am. Stuckwith stock cooler that i got ont he card. Its ok
quietness wiese. But cools like a dog at 7 volts and produces TO MUCH
Would like one of those vf7000 or vf900 cooolers for it. But the
Vf700 dont fit in my case and the v900 is not compatible with my AGP
Any ideas..
The cooler must not stick out the top of the card. Its going in a
desktop HTPC case.
quiet even at 5 or 7 volts.
Desperate i am. Stuckwith stock cooler that i got ont he card. Its ok
quietness wiese. But cools like a dog at 7 volts and produces TO MUCH
Would like one of those vf7000 or vf900 cooolers for it. But the
Vf700 dont fit in my case and the v900 is not compatible with my AGP

Any ideas..
The cooler must not stick out the top of the card. Its going in a
desktop HTPC case.