Yousuf Khan said:
Yousuf Khan said:
Carlo said:I don't know, maybe it's just me but it seems like this article puts
way to much importance on the manufacturing process a CPU is made
on.. Not that these things aren't important at all... But the fact
that my Athlon64 3000+ is still made on a .13 process really didn't
discourage me at all.. My system still performs extremely well
despite being a "generation behind" Intel's Prescott.
I don't know, maybe it's just me but it seems like this article puts way to
much importance on the manufacturing process a CPU is made on.. Not that
these things aren't important at all... But the fact that my Athlon64 3000+
is still made on a .13 process really didn't discourage me at all.. My
system still performs extremely well despite being a "generation behind"
Intel's Prescott.
JK said:It looks like AMD is progressing nicely with .09
This website shows the Athlon 64 4000+ and 3800+
Tony Hill said:On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 18:54:23 -0400, "Carlo Razzeto"
The important difference is that Athlon64 3000+ costs AMD more to
build than Intel's Prescott 3.0GHz chips, yet sells for less. New
process generation is equally one part technology, one part financial
these days (case-in-point, Intel is very aggressively moving the
low-end Celeron to the newest manufacturing product rather than just
focusing on high-end chips first).
This I realize and I'm not trying to take that away... I'm just saying that
if I didn't know any better and I were to read the article I might tend to
automatically assume that a .13 chip is worse than a .09 chip etc.... When
the truth is the manufacturing process is not really going to have a huge
impact in performance (unless of course it means they can get more MHz out
of it).
Nick said:If my recollection is correct, it isn't looking good at all for
65 nm, as the passive leakage problems are even worse. Mid-2007
for mass production isn't what Intel are hoping for (or claiming),
but IS what ITRS are predicting ....
reaping the full potential of 2+ cores. 2+ cores may end up like
the 386, full of potential but not enough software support.
However the new 90nm fab process has maybe thrown this automatic
assumption of much higher clock speeds into question, at least for the
time being. Intel's still having trouble getting the "Prescott" P4 up
to 3.6GHz and have pushed back the release date of their 3.8 and
4.0GHz P4 chips multiple times.
Nick Maclaren said:|> This is just extra publicity for what has already been
|> known for months, ie the drive to 65nm is on a fast
|> pace, things are looking good, much more straining of
|> silicon, better internal power management, etc. The really
|> exciting transistor designs will happen at 45nm, using the high-k
|> interconnects. Though that's still three years away. And there
|> is interesting research going on at 15nm, for the next decade.
Oh, really? I did a quick Web search, but couldn't find when
the comparable announcement was made for 90 nm. I vaguely
remember mid-2001, which was a little matter of 3 years before
90 nm hit the streets in quantity.
If my recollection is correct, it isn't looking good at all for
65 nm, as the passive leakage problems are even worse. Mid-2007
for mass production isn't what Intel are hoping for (or claiming),
but IS what ITRS are predicting ....
I shall not be holding my breath for 65 nm; you are welcome to
hold yours for it![]()
Nick Maclaren said:|>
|> If you read the article, the statement is that leakage is dealt with to
|> a degree by straining the silicon lattice. I don't know how much that
|> changes things, but they want us to think it solves the problem (which
|> it probably doesn't).
One of the most reliable sources in the industry has told me that
it doesn't. Yes, it helps, but only somewhat.
|> I thought 2005 was too soon for 65nm, but that's what I read. That
|> Pentium 4 will be shipping in 2005 on 65nm. Which, thankfully, gives
|> that embarrassment that is Prescott just one year of life.
If you believe that ordinary customers will be able to buy 65 nm
Pentium 4s at commodity prices in mid-2005, I have this bridge for
sale ....
Raymond said:What's not known is exactly how Intel is going to design
the silicon. How are the multiple cores going to work, especially
with the one bus? Even more significantly, how are applications going
to benefit from the 2+ cores; are they going to have to explicitly
code multiple-threading to benefit, which afterall ain't easy to pull off,
or will the feeding of the multiple cores be handled effectively by the
or may be even the OS? I see that Intel has released a thread checking
tool, hopefully MS incorporates something like it in their next Studio.
G said:"Raymond" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Every version of Windows based on NT (NT, 2000, XP, Server 2k3,
Longhorn, etc) has gotten progressively better at utilizing multiple
CPU's. MS keeps tweaking things to a finer level of granularity. So
minimally, a single threaded application could still hog 1 CPU, but at
least the OS underneath will do it's best to make use of the other
Also, I suspect your comments about languages are true when it comes
to C/C++. But the newer languages like Java, C# and VB.Net make
working with threads MUCH easier. I'm not exactly sure what MS could
"incorporate in their next Studio" that could possibly make it any
easier to write multi-threaded managed code. And with alot more of
Longhorn written itself as managed code, inculding the new Avalon/XAML
UI stuff, I suspect that even traditional message driven GUI code will
make better use of multiple cores. Of course the cynics will claim
that amounts to Windows yet again sucking all possible power out of
even the latest & greatest hardware, but I guess that's inevitable.
IMO the bigger debate will be: Do I go for a faster single core or
slower dual core CPU? All things being equal (including cost), I think
a dual core chip has to be clocked slower and/or have less cache???
Not confusing the market will be a real challenge if that's the case.