65535 Records in a List Box workaround?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drew
  • Start date Start date


Anybody got info on a work around for having more than
65535 possible records that could be selected from that
are to be selected from a List Box?

Designing a new program and just realized this limitation
on the List and Combo boxes. This number is the same
number of lines on an Excel spreadsheet... FYI.

I know I can create a subform and make it appear like a
list box, but wondering if anyone had a work around that
would allow the continued use of the list box?

Drew said:
Anybody got info on a work around for having more than
65535 possible records that could be selected from that
are to be selected from a List Box?

Designing a new program and just realized this limitation
on the List and Combo boxes. This number is the same
number of lines on an Excel spreadsheet... FYI.

I know I can create a subform and make it appear like a
list box, but wondering if anyone had a work around that
would allow the continued use of the list box?


Create a search form instead of combo box with that many entries.
Are you running this on a network? How long does it take for
that form to open?

No - but aside from being a limitation of the program it is also a practical
limitation since even 1000 rows makes it tedious for the user when scrolling
through to selecting data. I would suggest you consider putting some fields
outside the listbox that allow you to filter the results down to a
reasonable number of rows for the user to view for selection.
Hi Drew,

I understand (I hope I didn't sound condescending either :-))!

I also use listboxes for purposes other than data selection also for

If you don't currently have a customer approaching the 65535 records, I
wouldn't worry about it. If you do, I would still insist on having a
mandatory filter in place for limiting the number of records returned to the
listbox since regardless of what is going into the listbox, I would think
that is highly unlikely that anyone would be scrolling through the whole
thing (my hand is cramping just thinking about it!).

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

The list box was not for selection. I use many of the
controls in my programs for far more things than I think
the norm. There was a complete search via multiple
fields, but we wanted teh viewing to be done through a
list box instead of a subform showing the detail of
records. Just in case the a specific customer had TONS
AND TONS of records, we wondered if there was a work
around. IF not, that is fine, the form is already
designed with subforms to view the requested,
and "criteria" given, information.

Dont mean to sound condesending, because I would also
faint if I saw or heard of a program that would make
someone search through more than a handful of records to
find the specific records they were investigating.
Thanks for your concern for my consumer....

-----Original Message-----
No - but aside from being a limitation of the program it is also a
practical limitation since even 1000 rows makes it tedious for the
user when scrolling through to selecting data. I would suggest you
consider putting some fields outside the listbox that allow you to
filter the results down to a reasonable number of rows for the user
to view for selection.

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

Anybody got info on a work around for having more than
65535 possible records that could be selected from that
are to be selected from a List Box?

Designing a new program and just realized this limitation
on the List and Combo boxes. This number is the same
number of lines on an Excel spreadsheet... FYI.

I know I can create a subform and make it appear like a
list box, but wondering if anyone had a work around that
would allow the continued use of the list box?

