Bob Eyster said:
Will most/all 32Bit software run on Vista 64Bit machine, and how about
drivers, do you need 64Bit drivers or will 32Bit drivers work?
My daughter just got a new Dell 64Bit machine.
When you say "Dell 64Bit machine", do you mean a PC with Vista x64 already
installed? If so...
Almost any 32 bit application will install and run just fine, if it's Vista
As far as drivers are concerned, if the computer came with Vista x64
installed, it already has drivers for all the hardware that came with the
computer. As far as other peripherals that she might wish to add, yes, she
will need 64 bit drivers for those peripherals. You should check with the
peripheral manufacturer to see if 64 bit drivers are available.
You should also be aware that the 64 bit driver issue is becoming less of a
problem as time passes and 64 bit OS' are becoming more common. For example,
I was reluctant to purchase a laptop with Vista x64 (now running Win 7 x64)
because I *assumed* that there would be no 64 bit drivers for my 2
generation old Canon MP 780. Wrong! Canon had the drivers even though
production stopped in 2005.