I am ready to upgrade my system, wondering which would be better --
getting a dual CPU motherboard and installing two 32-bit CPUs, or going
with one of the new 64bit CPUs? Cost is a factor, but curious which type
of system would be faster, thougn I know this is not comparing apples with
apples. Still an interesting notion to consider.
Id think the dual system would be better for a select few apps like
rendering stuff etc but in everyday use -- it doesnt come into play
does it? What do I know. Ive never had a dual system. I was thinking
of a dual system or connecting several PCs together if I ever get into
rendering stuff more with 3dmax etc.I think for the avg person and all
around use a 64 bit would be better but what do I know.
The 754s can be pretty cost effective now if as we mentioned in
another thread you can carry your memory to the new system 3200 stuff
and buy the entry level CPU for around $200 and get a board for $100
or so . Then its only about $100 more than most Athlon systems but if
you buy now youll miss out on the 939 socket and maybe PCI express and
other changes later on in the year I hope.
The nforce 3 250 boards which everyone was waiting for too though the
ones out didnt have PCI express of course etc - they were $180+ last
time I checked at newegg but someone posted a claim there were $100
boards and another guy recently posted there were refurbs of an ASUS I
think VIA chipset which was picked as top board by Toms Hardware for
$45 . I wonder how old that TOMS HARDWARE review was though. Did he
compare it to the array of new Nforce 3 250 boards? Still if its even
OK , $45 is cheap. That means someone with OK 3200 mem could upgrade
for $250 CPU + MB and offset the costs by selling their old MB and