Drew said:
my apologies.. I thought about what I wrote and how dumb it sounded
after I hit the send button...Normally I would have put all the specs
in but herein lies the problem, I am helping a friend from across
town who number 1 does not know about these newsgroups and number 2
I do not have those specs yet... I know he is running a 64 bit
processor and he swears he is running a 64 bit version of xp.. He
just upped his memory from 1gig to 4 gigs and he say it only shows 3
gigs... I probably should have waited until I had more info before
posting as since I have known about and have read these newsgroups
for a long time I made the mistake of just throwing something out
there with out thinking .. My apologies once again and will post back
when I have more info ...
Check this screenshot out:
The about windows screen clearly identifies the machine in the screenshot as
running Windows XP Professional x64 edition. You can reach this screen by
opening my computer on the computer in question, selecting the help menu in
the explorer window that appears, and choosing "About Windows" from the list
of help options. If the About Windows screen doesn't clearly identify the
product as 64-bit edition then your friend isn't running 64-bit windows. The
reason I say this is because running a 32-bit version of windows is the most
likely explanation for only seeing 3Gb or so of RAM in windows despite
having 4Gb physically fitted.
If it's definately 64-bit windows then they need to check motherboard
support - also whether or not any particular bios settings or even a bios
update (not likely but you never know) need to be done before things will
work how you expect.