Now that's a new one and I thought I'd heard them all.

Actually, this
is incorrect too though. The A64 address bus is 40bits, 48 virtual.
Tell me why my 32bit 68000 cpu can only address 16MB then (1 clue, it has
a 24bit address bus). I really haven't checked, but it's very possible to
have a 32bit cpu address more than 4GB. the amount of directly addressable
ram is controlled by the size of the address bus, and has nothing to do
with 32, 64, or 128 bit cpu's.
The physical address space of a CPU is almost never identical to the
virtual address. The virtual address space is what the programmer sees, so
in a 32 bit architecture that's 4G and in 64 bit architecture it's
1.6*10^19. The physical address space is determined by the width of the
Address Translation Unit RAM and the address pins on the CPU. The physical
address space is a choice that the CPU designers make for each design.
Pins and RAM cost money so you don't want to support a physical address
space that's larger than the maximum amount of RAM that the particular CPU
is ever likely to have. When the 68000 came out the biggest DRAM was 64K,
the CPU designers would have figured that at the end of life of the chip
the biggest DRAM would be the 1M DRAM so they picked 16M as the physical
address space because it was confortably larger then any real memory
system that it would ever have to support without being excessively
expensive. When you get to the end of an architecture's life, as we are
now with the 32 bit x86 architecture, it becomes possible to have more
real memory then virtual memory. The way this is handled is that CPUs can
support multiple virtual address spaces, each of which can have it's own
DRAM space. So a Xeon might have 16 separate threads each of which can
address 4G of RAM for a total of 64G of real memory. Each thread is still
limited to 4G but you can have lots of them. There are also ways to give
programmers access to more memory by using segmentation registers which
allows the programmers to manage multiple virtual memory spaces within one
process, that's what the 80286 did to extend the 16 bit address space of
the 8086. Segmentation is a horrible way to handle memory, a larger linear
address space is much easier for programmers to deal with. The AMD64
architecture is now back to where we were in the 68K days. The virtual
address space is so large that all the RAMs in the world couldn't fill it.
The programmer sees the 64 bit space but the actual amount of physical RAM
supported is much smaller, I'm not sure what the exact size is but I
suspect it's around 40 bits (1 terabyte) which would be confortably larger
than the amount of RAM that this generation of chips is likely to have to
support (assuming 4G and maybe even 16G RAMs by the time the last current
generation A64s are unplugged).