I'm sorry, but I cannot believe that no one has commented on this yet.
Is this a joke?
You have to understand why I ask this. Because it is quite obvious you know
nothing of what you are talking about. I don't mean to be a d**k or
anything like that, I'm just seeing some grotesqely misstated things. I'm
going to answer your questions below as well, or at least retort in some way
to this. And my hope is that you get a true understanding of what your even
trying to accomplish. Or, if your just yanking our chain.
Ilkka said:
I'm not sure if I need .NET features. I will need Longhorn features, that I
know, but .NET I'm not sure of. And Longhorn is still a bit ahead from now.
If you have read even the basic information about Longhorn, you will notice
that .NET is a key part of the longhorn project. The goal is to let the
..NET framework provide more low level functions like its predecessor and
soon to be sibling the Win32API. What used to be .NET's seemingly only
drawback to not be able to provide that instense lowlevel functionality
within managed code is now ending.
So if you need longhorn... you need .NET. Otherwise, you have no idea what
longhorn is capable of. Hell, Win2k3 even made development easier. Now
they have feedback from developers like those of us in this forum and can
develop an even more powerful product.
I'm not trying to rag on you, but if you think you know what longhorn offers
without seeing the OBVIOUS signs of .NET, then you need to keep reading.
I'm not afraid to convert the app manually to VB.NET; I already need to
convert the app from PHP to VB in the first place

So at least I will get
intimately familiar with the code, and there cannot be such drastic
differences between VB6.0 and VB.NET ... I suppose...
See... this doesn't make sense. As someone else stated PHP is more of an
OOP than VB6. So its quite clear that A) you would want to go to another OO
language like .NET, or b) the php code sucked giving you bad habits.
Thats the thing. VB6 develops a LOT of really really really bad habits that
are hard to break. Just avoid it if you can.
Another point to consider would be if VB is fast enough, compared to C, but
I guess/hope so

Of course it depends what you are doing...well..it's
"basic stuff".
Basic stuff? And speed? Yeah, C is "faster", but takes you a lot longer to
develop in. And your doing a conversion project. I dunno dude, kinda
sounds like cutting your rim in half to change your tire...