I resolved error 5774 - Unable to interpret format errors by adding the IP address of the win2kserver into the dns server list of IP Properties and moving it up to the top. I found this suggestion somewhere in the newsgroups and it did work.
Shortly thereafter I began getting error 11 - NTP server failed to respond. After reviewing all the net time setsntp settings and trying numerous ntp server addresses and names, I was unable to resolve this error. In this process I came to realize that I am unable to resolve any public domain name from the server.
If I move the IP address of the win2k server down below the public dns server entries I can now resolve public domain names, but I get the 5774 errors back.
What is the proper thing to do in this situation???
PS: as an aside, I discovered that my firewall appliance, a linksys b3fsx41, is issueing the win2k server a dynamic IP address even though the win2kserver is configured with a fixed IP address. I say this because the win2k server is listed in the linksys dhcp clients table. The IP issueed by the linksys does not respond to pings, but the fixed IP does. I do not need dhcp on the linksys and will turn it off. Curious problem though.
Shortly thereafter I began getting error 11 - NTP server failed to respond. After reviewing all the net time setsntp settings and trying numerous ntp server addresses and names, I was unable to resolve this error. In this process I came to realize that I am unable to resolve any public domain name from the server.
If I move the IP address of the win2k server down below the public dns server entries I can now resolve public domain names, but I get the 5774 errors back.
What is the proper thing to do in this situation???
PS: as an aside, I discovered that my firewall appliance, a linksys b3fsx41, is issueing the win2k server a dynamic IP address even though the win2kserver is configured with a fixed IP address. I say this because the win2k server is listed in the linksys dhcp clients table. The IP issueed by the linksys does not respond to pings, but the fixed IP does. I do not need dhcp on the linksys and will turn it off. Curious problem though.