5728, Initial Impressions.


Mark Gillespie

Another huge leap from RC1.

My power management issues seems considerably better (cannot yet claim
they are fully resolved). Graphics subsystem seems much improved,

Another point, I actually have Aero Glass now (before I did not). Despite
my 2.8 score in the performance measurement, Gefore Go 6200. And the Aero
Glass transparancies are working very well. I thought you needed 4.0or
higher?? (please don't"fix" this this, as like I said it works fine on my

Performance also seems to be improved over RC1, I havn't had any of those
annoying 5 minute "go slows", where you cannot do anything, and then it
all kicks in.

Keep up the good work guys... Would like to think there will be a RC2

Mark Gillespie

Another huge leap from RC1.

My power management issues seems considerably better (cannot yet claim
they are fully resolved). Graphics subsystem seems much improved,

Another point, I actually have Aero Glass now (before I did not).
Despite my 2.8 score in the performance measurement, Gefore Go 6200.
And the Aero Glass transparancies are working very well. I thought you
needed 4.0or higher?? (please don't"fix" this this, as like I said it
works fine on my 2.8).

Performance also seems to be improved over RC1, I havn't had any of
those annoying 5 minute "go slows", where you cannot do anything, and
then it all kicks in.

Keep up the good work guys... Would like to think there will be a RC2

And my laptop sound finally works with the built in Microsoft driver
(previously it selected the driver, but produced no sound)...

Vista seems almost usable for the 1st time on my Sony Vaio FS295XP.

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