Can you guys tell me how? When I went to Xbox/pcsetup, it informed my that my
editon of media Centre was too new and that I couldn't download the
connection program because it wasn't Media Center 2005. how did you get yours
to work?
Can you both tell me how you managed this on Xbox/pc setup, it told me that
my media Centre was too new and that I needed Media Centre 2005. Please let
me know how to connect it.
I have tried to get the inbuilt media centre to connect as you said, but its
still no working, will not seem to accept the numbers that you have to type
in. Have you to keep your internet connection running as well? the xbox can
now connect to the internet, its just the media centre part that I can't get
to work.
Well thanks for all your help, kevpan815, I managed without the always on
connection, mind you I can set it not to Auto disconnect, which it will after
20 mins of none activity, thanks again for your help.
I just downloaded the 5536 build and I still can’t get my PC & 360 to work
together my PC just keeps telling me
Extender failing to configure the device
While on my 360 I see "Windows Media Center Contacting . . ." going on
my 360 is wireless running over 802.11A and my desktop is running over a
802.11G would this be a problem? I also read a form where someone was
talking about a firewall setting that needs to be set is there anything I
should do to the firewall on the router or desktop? I have been working on
trying to get PC and 360 to work together forever I hope you can shine some
light in this for me. Thanks.