553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cathy C
  • Start date Start date
Cathy said:
What causes this error message?


You are trying to use a mail server that is NOT on the network to which
you are connecting; i.e., you are attempting to use an off-network mail
server and the network to which you are connecting does not permit the
relaying of SMTP across their domain. Connect to the network that has
the SMTP server that you want to use, or use the SMTP server of the
network that you do connect.

You could try to configure you e-mail account to authenticate to the
ougoing (SMTP) server to see if the problem is that the off-network
server won't permit connections to it from other networks without you
proving you have an account and are permitted to use their resources.
However, if the network to which you connect does not permit relaying of
SMTP traffic, you are still not going to get your SMTP traffic across
their network to some off-network server.
-----Original Message-----

You are trying to use a mail server that is NOT on the network to which
you are connecting; i.e., you are attempting to use an off-network mail
server and the network to which you are connecting does not permit the
relaying of SMTP across their domain. Connect to the network that has
the SMTP server that you want to use, or use the SMTP server of the
network that you do connect.

You could try to configure you e-mail account to authenticate to the
ougoing (SMTP) server to see if the problem is that the off-network
server won't permit connections to it from other networks without you
proving you have an account and are permitted to use their resources.
However, if the network to which you connect does not permit relaying of
SMTP traffic, you are still not going to get your SMTP traffic across
their network to some off-network server.

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