5456 Broke belkin wireless

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5384 the belkin worked after hoop jumping involving wiring up the pc to the
router and grabbing the driver from windows update.

I have just put 5456 on and great the driver is installed off the DVD,
problem is it does not work now. Apparently, "The capability of your network
adaptor does not match the requirements of this network."

Hmm, it did 2 hours ago. Anyone got any ideas how to sort it?

Interm build testers have their own private forums... Post there. This is
for the public beta only.
Have you tried all the usual rebooting, reinstalling the drivers,
re-plugging it in etc.?
Yup, Usual Hoop Jumping procedure followed. No way I could Breathe life into
the bugger, I tell ya, it was pining for the fjords.

Went back to 5384 so I could send a bug report.