A question about this app please ....
I have 2 boot options:
Legacy ... ( XP Pro), and
Microsoft Windows ( Vista)
I saved VistaBootPro - ran it in Vista and it shows my 2 boot options.
I'm not on that PC right now, so from memory: I selected "the tab to
rename the entries" and I selected Legacy from the drop-down and chose
rename (in the lower part) - to " XP Pro" and the second I renamed to
"Vista". I then rebooted and I saw ... the same thing as before. I was
expecting to see:
XP Pro
as my boot menu options.
Did I do something wrong ? do you know - will it do what I want ? ( To
change the text that's displayed during boot).
( Prior to rebooting I also tried Backup/restore tab , then SAVE and
browse - does nothing.
so I entered C:\foldername => save = nothing happened. Vista issue ? )
Use VistaBootPRO:
Windows Connected |
Extended64 |
Blog |
Bootup shows
Legacy and
Microsoft Windows.
I'd like to change the second line text to "VISTA" how to do so ?
( It's not a big deal - it's just an exercise to see how to do it.)
I checked boot.ini on C and I see a message to run BCEDIT.exe
I did a search - on C and Vista drives and can't find it ! Any ideas