Vista Tester
I'm using Outlook Express (or whatever it's going to be called
to access
the msnews newsgroups. I'm only subscribed to the Vista-related newsgroups.
However, when the reader checks for new messages, it checks ALL the
newsgroups available -- not just the ones to which I'm subscribed.
Is it possible to turn off this behavoir? If you're only subscribed to one
group, you shouldn't have to wait for it to check for new messages on dozens
of other groups just to see yours...

the msnews newsgroups. I'm only subscribed to the Vista-related newsgroups.
However, when the reader checks for new messages, it checks ALL the
newsgroups available -- not just the ones to which I'm subscribed.
Is it possible to turn off this behavoir? If you're only subscribed to one
group, you shouldn't have to wait for it to check for new messages on dozens
of other groups just to see yours...