500 - Internal Server Error


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
"500 - Internal Server Error"

You might already be aware of it Ian, but just a quick heads-up... I saw this error at 08:33 am when I tried to post. Then the site was unavailable for a little while. :)
Thanks for the heads up TC!

It looks like the server restarted all of the services automatically after 2 minutes and it all seems to be working ok now :).

There's a script in place that restarts things if errors crop up, then if that isn't fixed after a few mins the server should auto-reboot, then if that fails the hosting company is notified after about 15 mins. Then if that fails, I need to dig out the backups ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
Thanks for the heads up TC!

It looks like the server restarted all of the services automatically after 2 minutes and it all seems to be working ok now :).

There's a script in place that restarts things if errors crop up, then if that isn't fixed after a few mins the server should auto-reboot, then if that fails the hosting company is notified after about 15 mins. Then if that fails, I need to dig out the backups ;)
I knew that ... :nod:
